Mental Health internships with pioneering partners

Mental Health Internships in Uganda

Our mental health internships are open to mental health students, mental health nurses, and mental health Drs, and support the development of your practice, your understanding of other health care systems, as well as other societies’ and cultures approaches to mental health. This broadening of your experience will grow your professional practice, and develop your skills and insights as a practitioner.

You will learn from groundbreaking practice that began at grass roots level, and see what is possible when communities come together to meet the needs they have.

As learning is a two-way process, the community of mental health practitioners, in the hospital and the community are also keen to learn from your experience, and your society’s approaches to mental health. In addition, the money that you pay for your internship has a huge impact on our partner’s ability to employ staff and deliver services, so you know that

Teaching Hospital Based

crisis response│in-patient support

Location: Mbara, SW Uganda

Weeks: 2 - 12+ weeks

Code: Ug-Pag-CB


This hospital based mental health internship is for both student mental health nurses and student Drs.

You may join for 4 to 12 weeks

You will be based in a government teaching hospital, with psychiatric specialisms and have opportunities to participate in university led seminars to explore attitudes to mental health and its management in Uganda.

There are also opportunities to engage with community based mental health care, which is managed through our non-governmental and community service organisations in partnership with the hospital. These provide mental health care follow up and preventative services for individuals with mental illnesses, and their families through a range of professionals.

You will also be able to support the NGOs in their community suicide prevention work. The blending of the program can be weighted and modified to match your interests and time in Uganda

GAFV hospital based psychiatric internships

Community Based

suicide prevention│out-patient & family support

Location: Mbara, SW Uganda

Weeks: 2 - 12+

Code: Ug-Pca-CB


In this community mental health internship you will be supervised by local professionals as you join the activities and outreach of our partner community based organisations to support those with psychiatric issues in the community, their families, and communities.

Roles include:

Visiting families and individuals affected by suicide and mental health issues. Leading/guiding support groups, and counselling for people facing psycho-social challenges.

You will also participate in the school and university well-being clubs that have been established; support the training of peer psycho-social support, and support individuals with their prescribed medication.

You could also lead/join CPD, and publicise the support available to members of the community, which helps to break down the stigmas attached to mental health.

You will support the organisations’ work to reduce suicides and reattempted suicides, whilst reducing societal stigmas around psychiatric health.

You will also visit the psychiatric hospitals and clinics to gain an overview of the mental health system.

uganda community mental health internships outreach in schools